It has been over a year since my last post...now you know what my journal is like! I am giving this blog thing a try again. Many, many things have happened since the last time I wrote something on here, and I have been reflecting for some time about what really matters in my life. It all comes down to something President Monson so eloquently stated in a conference talk recently...What is important, and what is not. Sometimes it may seem difficult to distinguish the difference between important things and unimportant things, as we tend to become passionate about all aspects of our lives. But when we take a step back, away from all that surrounds us and takes up the space in our minds and the time in our lives, it becomes apparent that what truly is important are the small and simple things. The small and simple that paint an enormous picture in the grand scheme of eternity and life beyond this moment. I am learning that life is about people...not things. Life is about love...and when we love, it changes us. It changes who we are. And that is why we are here...to "become" something we could not in any other circumstance. And it's the people and the experiences we have that help us evolve into what we are meant to be. What is important to me is the people in my life..those I can, and cannot see. And I am vowing to live my life striving to always quiet the outside voices and remember that.